It's Worth it in the End.
As January slowly comes to a close, most of us are well into our daily and weekly routines again. We're back at work, and often, back with our old habits. This is exactly why days this week are jokingly referred to as "Ditch Your New Years Resolutions Day." I admit, it's even become more difficult for me to maintain my exercise program now as I get settled back in after the holidays. I've had to keep reminding myself of my goals, and I keep envisioning what the outcome of my exercise program will be.
And it helps immensely.
Every day, I've been able to meet my goals, and I feel great afterwards. My reward is simply not having to go through the guilt of missing a day's workout, and it's worked surprisingly well. Although progress is slow, I'm getting stronger.
Although it might be tempting to give up in these last weeks of January, don't. Results can take time, and it's so, so worth it in the end.
"The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones."
- Confucius
- Ian Templin