The UB Toner Blog — fall
Did you know November is Sweet Potato Awareness Month?

Fun Facts about November
- It is the last month of the Fall season
- November in the Northern Hemisphere is similar to May in the Southern Hemisphere
- American football is the main sport watched in the United States during this month
- Most of the leaves have fallen off the trees by the end of November
- In the USA, November is sweet potato awareness month AND good nutrition month-now there’s a win-win!
November makes me think of, well, honestly, Thanksgiving dinner! I have been waiting all year for this meal! I am lucky enough to have a daughter who loves to cook and will be hosting the festivities in her new house this year. All I know for sure is there will be pecan cheesecake and extra UB Toner exercises!
I have been on a mission to be healthier this year. With healthy eating and working out, I have lost 20 lbs and feel great! Temptations are put in front of me every day…donuts at work, Halloween candy by the truck loads, impromptu lunch dates, etc.
I do indulge once in a while. I never want to say, “No, I can’t have that” because I would feel deprived; everything in moderation is my moto. This is my plan for Thanksgiving dinner. I will have some of everything, I will enjoy it, and I will not feel guilty about it.
So, if you are looking for something a little healthier for your holiday dinner, and since November is sweet potato awareness month, why not try something new? Here are a few tips to make your sweet potato casseroles healthier.
- You can cut the butter back without sacrificing flavor by adding even more flavorful ingredients. Try honey, orange zest, ground ginger, cinnamon and vanilla extract.
- Marshmallows are OK if you don't use too many. But if you want a topping with less sugar, try a simple topping of nuts, seeds and dried fruit to add texture and sweetness without any added sugar. Or opt for a homemade crumb topping with whole-wheat flour, brown sugar and a little butter. If you can't part with marshmallow topping but want something less processed, making a meringue topping—it has all the flavor and sweetness of marshmallows and it's prettier too!
- To keep the calories reasonable, start with a smaller amount of potatoes. Plan for about a 1/2 cup serving size for each person, which is plenty, especially considering all the other food on the menu.
Have a wonderful November and Happy Thanksgiving!
- Amy Gard
- Tags: fall fitness food health healthy eating November sweet potatoes Thanksgiving ub toner
Autumn is Here!
Children are back in school, the weather is cooling slightly, pumpkin lattes are all the rage and we are all trying to get our busy schedules aligned after a wonderful summer full of sunshine and BBQ’s. I am getting ready to harvest apples, pears and grapes.
I love autumn. I love sweaters, crock-pots and Halloween. I love the beautiful colors of the trees and the crisp, cool mornings. It’s the time of year when football fanatics are overjoyed to see their teams play again.
It is also the perfect time to revamp your exercise routine. For me, summer exercise includes a lot of gardening; in the fall, not so much. So, I am looking for something to keep up my activity in the cooler weather.
Things like yoga, walking outside or on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike in conjunction with my UB Toner workout are some good ideas for me to develop my fall season workout.
What are you going to do to rev-up your workouts this season?
Enjoying the Bounty
I can’t believe the back-to-school ads are on TV already! Where does the time go? While I don’t have small children at home anymore, mine are grown with children of their own, I am not ready for the slow slide into fall yet.
I am still harvesting blueberries and raspberries, patiently waiting for green beans and artichokes, and weeding…always weeding the garden. I love this time of year!
I am a two-time breast cancer survivor. Gardening has saved me in so many ways. It’s my quiet place, my thinking place, my play with my seven cats outside place. Most importantly it is my way to live a healthy life. Eating whole foods, eliminating sugars and processed foods and staying in shape is how I live my life now. And I feel great!
Wherever you are in your life, enjoy the small things; a beautiful sunny day, the smell of fresh flowers growing, eating fresh fruits and veggies from your garden to nourish your body, being with your family.
Enjoy the bounty life has put in front of you!
- Amy Gard
- Tags: back-to-school fall flowers health healthy eating summer
Habits are the Key To Success
Fall is such a beautiful time of year. For many, it’s a time to re-start and get back into routine after carefree and casual summers. When it comes to fitness, routine really is the trick to staying on track. Once something has become a habit, it is harder to allow our brains to make excuses not to do it.